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Christopher Biddlecomb of Ringwood

Christopher Biddlecomb of Ringwood

An exploration of his will and the Beneficiaries mentioned therein. Followed by expanding the research to include him and his family, together with any links to other Biddlecombe families in the series.

This is part of a series of articles about the Families of Biddlecombe and variations of that name. The introduction to the series is Families of Biddlecombe and variations of that name - START. If you have not visited the introduction yet might I suggest that you do so.




Christopher Biddlecomb's Will


Christopher Biddlecomb of Hightown, Hampshire, his will


The starting place for this article is his Last Will and Testament.


Will of Christopher Biddlecomb of Ringwood

 The above image of the Will is from Ancestry and The National Archive has the original reference PROB-11-208-256.

My initial transcription of the above will.

In the name of God Amen:
This fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred Forty and seven I Christopher Biddlecomb of Hightowns in the parish of Ringwood in the County of South a yeoman being sick in body, but of good and perfect memory thanks be given Almighty God do make and ordain this my last will and testament as followeth. First I Commit my Soul into the hands of Almighty god, and my body to be buried in the parish Church of Ringwood.
Item I give to the poor people of Ringwood twenty shillings.
Item I give to my Son John Biddlecomb twenty pounds lawful money of England, {....}.
I give to my said Son John Biddlecomb sixteen pounds being part of the debt of Edward Riffen unto me by bond, and which sixteen pounds my said  son John Biddlecomb hath {.........} {were......}.
Item I gift to my Grand children Elinor Dantor Iornd Dantor and Margartt Dantor and Richard Dantor and to xxxx and xxxx of them five pounds lawfull money of England.
Item I give to my Grandchild Thomas Biddlecombe five pounds of lawfull money of England.
Item I give to my Grandchildren Richard Biddlecombe and Elizabeth Biddlecombe and to {.....} and either of them five pounds lawfull money of England
Item I give to my Daughter Margarett Rook twenty shillings lawfull money of England.
All the other of my goods and chattels moveable and nonmoveable my debts and bequests paid.
I give and bequeath unto Richard Biddlecomb my Son whom I do make and ordain my full and sole Executor in and by this my last will and testament
I witness whereof I have hereunto set my hands and seal and published this my last will and testament the day and year above written in the {.....} of Christopher Biddlecomb his sign
Christophor Iun his sign
Nicholas Bounds



Date of Will  15 July 1647
Date of Codicil None
Date of Proving 26 May 1649



People in the Will of Christopher Biddlecombe of Hightown

 From the above it appears that Christopher Biddlecomb made provision for the following family, in addition to the poor people of Ringwood. 

People mentioned in the Will dated 15th July 1647, of Christopher Biddlecomb, Hightown, Hampshire
NameStated relationshipAssumed relationshipAssumed previous namePlaceNotes
poor people of Ringwood          
John Biddlecomb Son        
Richard Biddlecomb Son        
Margarett Rook Daughter   Margarett Biddlecomb    
Elinor Dantor Iornd Dantor and Margartt Dantor and Richard Dantor Grand children         
Thomas Biddlecomb Grand child        
Richard Biddlecomb and Elizabeth Biddlecomb Grand children        
Richard Biddlecomb Executor / Executrix        
Christophor Iun Witness        
Nicholas Bounds Witness        


 People mentioned in the Will of Christopher Biddlecomb of Ringwood

 Apart from the witnesses and the poor people of Ringwood. 




John Biddlecomb

John Biddlecomb

Extract from will pertaining to Christopher Biddlecomb of Hightown

I Christopher Biddlecomb of Hightown ...

Item I give to my Son John Biddlecomb twenty pounds lawful money of England, {....}.
I give to my said Son John Biddlecomb sixteen pounds being part of the debt of Edward Riffen unto me by bond, and which sixteen pounds my said  son John Biddlecombe hath {.........} {were......}.



Birth and Baptism






Death and Burial







End of this article in the series, select the next collection or person to view from the list below.



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