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John Bowditch


John Bowditch

I have a John Bowditch in my family tree as 5th Great Grandfather. However, there is a possibility that this may not be the right answer. My tree may have an extra generation slipped in.

Currently the Ancestry trace from John Bowditch to me is;

John Bowditch 1757-1820
5th great-grandfather
Michael Bowditch 1781-1861
Son of John Bowditch
Mary Ann Bowditch 1809-1890
Daughter of Michael Bowditch
Daniel Pomeroy 1831-1869
Son of Mary Ann Bowditch
Dan Pomeroy 1870-1939
Son of Daniel Pomeroy
Bertram Harry Stephen Pomeroy 1902-1975
Son of Dan Pomeroy
Peggy Alice Mary Pomeroy 1928-2016
Daughter of Bertram Harry Stephen Pomeroy
Ivan Guy Hurst
You are the son of Peggy Alice Mary Pomeroy

AncestryDNA ThruLines™ suggest a link to John Bowditch via his son Michael Bowditch, and then on to his daughter Mary Ann Bowditch as my 3rd Great Grandmother. Mary Ann is the actual node for the DNA matches. The link to Michael and John is by reference to other peoples trees, following family lines. This is of course dependent on those lines being correct. Back to the node, there are three separate branches leading directly into the node with confirmed DNA matches along or at the end of the the branch. One of the three branches has three DNA matches. The DNA matches have also traced with traditional trees. This is also the apparent basis of ThruLines™.

 I have reached out to another researcher on Ancestry who appears to have a similar ancestry. 

She has told me that 'Thomas Hallett 1780-1852 who married Elizabeth Bowditch, comes up as my 3rd great grandfather.'

Elizabeth Bowditch is one of John Bowditch's daughters.

Elizabeth Bowditch 1780-1863
4th great-grandaunt
John Bowditch 1757-1820
Father of Elizabeth Bowditch
Michael Bowditch 1781-1861
Son of John Bowditch
Mary Ann Bowditch 1809-1890
Daughter of Michael Bowditch
Daniel Pomeroy 1831-1869
Son of Mary Ann Bowditch
Dan Pomeroy 1870-1939
Son of Daniel Pomeroy
Bertram Harry Stephen Pomeroy 1902-1975
Son of Dan Pomeroy
Peggy Alice Mary Pomeroy 1928-2016
Daughter of Bertram Harry Stephen Pomeroy
Ivan Guy Hurst
You are the son of Peggy Alice Mary Pomeroy

There are differences in our tree and who married whom.

In some places this would be considered a dispute with handbags at dawn.

However common and collaborative research may be able to resolve the differences.

Hopefully this article will record the process and the outcome. It is possible that I am not related to this John Bowditch at all. In any case, this research is about the John Bowditch the older of Beaminster whose will is Catalogue reference: PROB 11/1633/184 at the National Archives.

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