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My thoughts

Ivan Hurst Consulting Ltd.
Ivan Hurst Consulting Ltd.

BIM - The importance of procurement (Step by Step)


BIM - The importance of procurement (Step by Step)

[Posted in LinkedIn on December 30, 2015]


This is my twelfth post and I thought we could do with a roundup of my writings for the Journal of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, 'Civil Engineering Surveyor'. and LinkedIn Group

The latest is BIM - The importance of procurement

My involvement in BIM started about 5 years ago, which is not long compared to some readers. I have learnt a lot about BIM in that time and about the digital revolution that is enveloping us. I like to share my knowledge and thoughts.

This is the list of my articles for the journal in the order they were published.

Together with the posts in LinkedIn they form a short book, a guide to the fundamentals of holistic BIM. A good starting point, for free, without any adverts, pop-ups, logins, or tracking cookies.

The next article may be about codification.

I hope you find the articles to be informative and helpful.

Odiham Fire Show
Odiham Fire Show

BIM - to Panic or not to Panic


BIM - to Panic or not to Panic

[Posted in LinkedIn on July 25, 2015]


Strangely the answer is 42.

How can that possibly be the case?

Simple, it is 36 weeks (at time of writing of course) (note to self, find out how to do a countdown clock in HTML) until the UK government deadline for BIM implementation, 1st April 2016. The beginning of the new financial year, 2016. It is therefore 40 weeks until your first reporting cycle of the new year, plus two weeks to prepare the reports. There you have it, the answer is 42 after all.

Building a Lego House Brick at Dorking
Building a Lego House Brick at Dorking

BIM is storming


BIM is storming

[Posted in LinkedIn on May 10, 2015]

BIM is on a pathway of development and implementation.

New things don't just land on the doorstep fully formed. BIM is the same, it is developing as it is growing. This is to be expected and is a good thing.

The Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing model of group development was first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, who maintained that these phases are all necessary and inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, and to deliver results.

Other group development models are available.

The BIM community can be considered as a diverse group. In the UK the government provided a degree of leadership and impetus, to invigorate the development and growth of BIM. A BIM community has formed around that kernel.

The Tower
The Tower

BIM is transient !


BIM is transient !

[Posted in LinkedIn on March 12, 2015]


It is transient and ephemeral.

What is BIM anyway? Yes it is Building Information Modelling, but is Building a noun or a verb? Perhaps it is Building Information Management or even Better Information Management.

Rolls Royce 10hp copied from
Rolls Royce 10hp copied from

BIM is young, will it grow?


BIM is young, will it grow?

[Posted in LinkedIn on February 24, 2015]


The image above is of a Rolls Royce 10hp. According to the car was built in 1904 and is priced at $7.25 million. The first edition of the car had a 10-HP 1.8-litre engine, with a 3-speed gearbox, along with twin cam operating overhead inlet valve, which were landmarks of that age. It is almost unrecognisable from current cars apart from a wheel at each corner. At the time it was build the car industry was very young. The first car was built in 1886, a Benz Patent-Motorwagen, a few years before the above Rolls Royce. Four years after the Rolls Royce, Henry Ford started production of his Model T, generally regarded as the first affordable car. In 1926 two car pioneers joined forces to become Daimler-Benz. It was still a while before the horse was replaced by the car. The last recorded horse omnibus in London was a Tilling bus which last ran, between Peckham and Honor Oak Tavern, on 4 August 1914. In Berlin it was 25 August 1923.

Replica of Richard Trevithick's Steam Locomotive
Replica of Richard Trevithick's Steam Locomotive

BIM, Clients leading the revolution


BIM, Clients leading the revolution

[Posted in LinkedIn on December 19, 2014]

Continuing with the fictional company of LTS Jones Ltd. An informed client organisation with an ongoing portfolio of mixed new build, both buildings and infrastructure. It has established a board level led internal change programme with the help of an experienced BIM consultant. The BIM consultant has suggested a succession plan that includes the Commercial Department leading the holistic BIM implementation within the company, still actively supported by the board.

Why the commercial department, I almost hear in concert. The obvious choice would be the architectural or engineering teams, or perhaps the Engineering Data Manager or CAD Manager. The Document Control Manager could also be considered. Lots of organisations choose one of these. However, I consider that this limits the deployment of the full potential of the holistic BIM revolution. Procurement, contract, cost, value, organisation, management of the supply chain are already part of the domain of the Commercial Department. The Commercial Department should be able to adopt a holistic approach more readily; especially as generally it already has a wide influence both within and outwith the organisation, probable more than any other single part of the organisation. That said, all of the others need to be involved, and could equally led the BIM implementation, albeit at a slightly reduced pace.

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