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The white beach of a Maldives Island
The white beach of a Maldives Island

Travel, from the Grand Tour to Holidays and breaks


Travel, from the Grand Tour to Holidays and breaks


As a child my parents took me on several touring holidays in the UK and Ireland. I have continued the tradition of touring holidays in Great Britain into adulthood and with the family. I like to travel and have been lucky enough to have been able to extensively explore Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America, in addition to Great Britain.

Hence, this again is a very large subject and has its own sub-sites, in order of development.


built in NetObjects Fusion. (old and decrepit)

My Travelogue

built in Microsoft Expression Web 4. (old and working towards retirement)

Ivan Hurst Travel

built in Joomla. (current and still under construction)

Special areas of note in the Ivan Hurst Travel site are;

Trip data


E Book, Tales of my first time.



I have not circumnavigated the world yet but would still like to try. Until that time, below are the maximum latitudes and longitudes that I have achieved up to 2010, and adjusted up to 2020.







North Cape, Nordkapp, Norway

Was Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland

Cape of Good Hope, Cape Peninsula, South Africa

Was Lesotho

Siliguri, West Bengal, India

Denali, Alaska, USA


71°10'18.3"N (66 33’ 44” N)

34°15'43.8"S (28 52’ 47.16” S)

88 25’ 28.50” E

150 13’ 43.30” W


An arc of 105 26’ 2.1” which is 58.57% N to S (180)

An arc of 238 39’ 11.80” which is 66.29% E to W (360)












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idp Racing

Pete also started a racing team, which was called idp racing. The order of the initials did not have any particular significance, other than that sounded best. idp = Ivan, David, and Peter. Pete was the mad one that road around the track at breakneck pace. He came off a few times, doesn't everybody? He had a Yamaha 250 with a custom built Machin frame, water cooled. Similar to the one in this link. Water cooled was rare in bikes at time. We had a good couple of seasons. Even though it was 'only' a 250, it was pure race built with chromed pots and needle baring's, and was significantly faster than the bigger Kawasaki 750 triple. The small ends had an estimate life span of 250 miles. On one occasion we calculated that that would be partway through a race. We decided that there would probably be some tolerance to that, so decided to change them after the race. They blew up partway around the track, wrecking the engine. We did not make that mistake again


Travel and Holidays


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