Edward Nash late 1700 to early 1800
This is not a story about a single person but about many people called Edward Nash.
The objective is to try and get enough information to definitively resolve which one is my 3x Great Grandfather
Normally one could start with marriage or birth certificates. This time let us start with the last will and testament of Edward Nash Esquire of 6 George Street, Hanover Square, London. The will was written as he was going on a journey, which presumably he was concerned about. It was signed on 31st March 1817. Edward Nash was evidently a wealthy man with two bequeaths of one thousand pounds, together with all the other property and effects. In 2019, the relative value of £1,000 0s 0d from 1817 ranges from £73,760.00 to £5,008,000.00 depending on method of calculation.
Also, a brief look at the address of 6 George Street, the impressive looking grey building with the Sotheby's flag, which is now 6-7 Saint George Street. The two bronzes above the door are by Fritz Roselieb and date from 1905, well after the death of Edward Nash. Sotheby's St George Street gallery was originally built for some other purpose in 1904 by C.H. Worley. So whilst not the building Edward Nash lived in, the adjacent ones are probably typical.
Another significant find within the will is the reference to artworks and miniatures. This leads me to the conclusion that this person is the Edward Nash who has some paintings hung in the National Portrait Gallery. He also has had some of his pieces sold at action. Edward Nash is also mentioned in The Dictionary of British Watercolour Artists Up to 1920. The image is one of his works, entitled Mrs Edward Nash, possibly his mother.
Some of his family can be identified from the will.
- Oldest brother, Thomas Nash
- Youngest brother, Richard Nash
- Brother and Executor of will, William Woodbridge Nash
- Brother in Law and Executor of will, William Sharp Esquire
- Sisters, unnamed
- dear Mother, unnamed
Below is a rough transcription of his 1817 will.
Edward Nash Esquire
This is the last Will
and testament of me Edward Nash of George Street Hanover Square London whereas I am shortly about to proceed on a journey and being conscious of settling my affairs previously thereto I will and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses are fully paid and satisfied and as to that rest of my Estate and Effects I give devise and bequeath as follows
to my dear Mother I give and bequeath during her life that full amount of that interest as it may xxxx out on that part of my property laid out on xxxx a Mortgage upon that xxxx xxxx Estate and at xxx xxx
I at further direct that the said property principal as well as interest thereof shall be equally divided among my Sisters living at the time of my xxx xxx xxx to xx to xx xx xx xx and
axxx for over to my oldest brother Thomas Nash I a give and bequeath direct the sum of one thousand pounds to be paid to him by my Executors at the expiration of twelve months from the date xxxx
to my youngest Brother Richard Nash I will and bequeath that the sum of one thousand pounds to be paid to him by my Executors at the expiration of twelve months from that date xxxx
To my Brother in Law William Sharp Esquire I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds xxxx xxx pounds for a xxx
to my xxxx Bolxx Fforbs Mithcoll Esquire of the xxxx of Smith Rirkards & Co I will and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds xxxxx of ten pounds for a Ring to my xxxx William Saines Esquire I bequeath the whole of my plaster of paris Casts together with my large and small clay figures with their Casts xxxor to xxx xxx after paying for the amount xxx for the xxx xxx in xxx
I may depart this life xxxx xxx whole of my xxxx liquors together with twenty pounds for a Ring to my xxxx xxx
I xxxx the whole of my xxx and wearing apparel I further will and direct that my xxxx x x xxxxx plates Books pictures Miniatures Drawings prints xxx stores xxx and all other my personal xxx xxx are not xxx xx xxxx xxxx shall by sold with the xxx of the xxx x x Drawings and Sketches xxxx by xx and that a fair and equal xxx of xx xx proceeds from the Sale x thereof shall be made among my Brothers and Sisters living at the period of my to xxx to xxxx xxxx xxx and xxxx xxxx and as to all the cost and xxxx xxx x xxxx of which I xxx xx xxx xxx unto or xxx in I give xxx and bequeath the xxx and xxx part thereof to my Brother William Woodbridge Nash to xxx to him His Heirs and xxx for xxx and
I do xxxx appoint my said Brother William Woodbridge Nash and my Brother in law William Sharp Esquire joint Executors of this my will and xxxx revoking all xxxx and other wills by xx at any xxx xxxx xxx I do xxx this only to be my last will and testament xxxx xxxx I the said Edward Nash xxx xxxx xx xxx hand and xxx this thirty first Day of March I the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen, Edward Nash No 6 George Street Hanover Square 31 March 1817
There is something attached to the probate record dated 15th January 1821, which may be confirming his death by Robert Waring of Saint Mary Cray. It refers to Edward Nash late of xxxx Street in the County of Middlesex. It is possible that xxxx is Duchess.
A notice in the Morning Chronicle - Saturday 06 January 1821.
Died; On the 3d inst. Edward Nash, Esq. of Duchess-street, Portland place, aged 43 years.
Also, under Sales by Auction, 'Sale of goods of late Edward Nash of Duke Street Portland Place' in the Morning Chronicle - Wednesday 14 March 1821.
The Times has the same advertisement on the 16 March 1821.
I have not been able to find a Duke Street in Portland Place and therefore consider that this might be the same Duchess Street as previously mentioned.
There is in this advertisement the phrase, 'and other articles connected with the arts. ...'
The age of 43, the date of death, and the possible place of residence, and the National Portrait Gallery 'Edward Nash (1778-1821), Artist' lead me towards a provisional conclusion that this is all the same person.
Further, there is a burial record of an Edward Nash on 11 January 1821, in Farningham, Kent, England. Farningham is only 6 miles away from Saint Mary Cray mentioned in the Probate Record. This could also be the same person.
Further, there is a record of this event in Find My Past which records the Edward Nash address as being Dutchess Street Portland Place London. This more closely matches that written in the Probate Record but also increases the probability of it being the same person. The burial took place at Saints Peter & Paul Church. He is however recorded as being age at death 42 and Birth Year 1779. Find My Past also has an image of the church entry for the burial, which was officiated by the Curate, Andrew William Burnside, who later became the vicar.
Although the year of birth has been reasonably established, as 1778, at this point, the place of birth is still unknown.
It appears from the rough transcription of the will that no provision has been made for a wife, not necessarily unusual at this time, nor for any issue, either sons or daughters.
All things considered, this person is unlikely to be one of my ancestors.
There are several Edward Nash events listed in Ancestry and Find My Past.
One of our perceived firm facts is the marriage of Edward Nash with Letitia Tilly on 12 April 1818 at Christchurch, Hampshire, England. Confirmed by extract of Hampshire GS marriage index - Letty Tilly.
Elizabeth Peninah Hills Nash is my 2nd Great Grandmother. She married Thomas Collins on 07 May 1843 at Southampton, Hampshire, England. Her Father is recorded as being Edward Nash. She is single and 22 years old, which gives a birth date of 1821. Her Probate record states she died on 29 March 1898, wife of Thomas Collins, of 5 Longcroft Street, Southampton. Effects £118 1s 11d. Probate to Samuel White general-shop-keeper on 14 March 1899.
According to a note on Ancestry Edward Nash's occupation on 07 May 1843 at Southampton, Hampshire, England was, based on his Daughter Elizabeth's marriage certificate, a sailor.
Similarly, his occupation on the marriage certificate of his Son Thomas, on 02 January 1848 at Southampton, Hampshire, England, was a prevention officer.
There is also a record of an Edward Nash in the 'Return of officers and men nominated to the Preventive Boat Service'. Also the Vessels "Enchantress", "Rattlesnake", and "Jacobus". ... between 15th day of November 1816 and 19th day of March 1819.
Appointed to Preventive Boat Service December 1817, Edward Nash, Boatman, age 28, Place of Birth, Canterbury, Trade - Brought up to, Sea, Length of time at Sea, 13y 3m, Annual Salary £5 0s 0d, Other Allowances or Appointments, 3s per diem when employed, By whom recommended or appointed, Treasury.
Age of 28 could give an approximate data of birth depending on the date from which the 28 was recorded. If it was at date of appointment, December 1817, gives a year of birth of about 1789. If it was the start date of the Return, i.e. 15th November 1816, DoB 1788. If it was the start date of the Return, i.e. 19th March 1819, DoB 1791. That gives a range of year of birth 1788 to 1791, or 1790 +/- 2, all in Canterbury.
The Genealogist only has one result for those criteria, Edward Nash, son of Edward Nash and Elizabeth. Baptised on 18th April 1789, at Canterbury St Dunstans, Kent. Therefore probably at St Dunstan's Church, 80 London Rd, Canterbury CT2 8LS, less than a mile from Canterbury Cathedral.
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We are now able to discount the record: Name, Edward Nash; Gender, Male; Baptism Date. 19 July 1786; Baptism Place, Barking, Essex, England; Father, Edward Nash; Mother, Elizabeth. This is because it outside the range and the wrong location, provided always that the PBS Return holds the correct information.
Also, it suggests that the probable effective date of information about Edward Nash on the PBS Return is that of Appointment, December 1817. Giving a start at sea date of September 1804.
Using The Genealogist the single applicable result mentioned above, there is a suggested family, all baptised at the same church, St. Dunstan's Church, Canterbury, Kent, England, with the same names for parents, and within an appropriate time scale. Making a leap of faith for the moment, that would make a Nash family of
- John, Bp 13 March 1785;
- Daniel, Bp 1 July 1787;
- Edward, Bp 18 April 1789;
- Sarah, Bp 27 November 1791;
- Mary Ann, Bp 4 May 1794;
- Martha, Bp 28 May 1797.
As the practise at the time, presumably in part due to infant mortality, to baptise children very quickly, normally within weeks, I have assumed that the Birth year is the same as that of the Christening. Having said that you do occasionally see children of the same family baptised together, something of a job lot, or on Christmas Day, weddings as well, the only day off in the year for some.
The parents are shown as Edward Nash and Elizabeth, though sometimes abbreviated. The first identified child may suggest a wedding year of 1783-4. The baptism intervals are approximately, in months, 28, 22, 31, 29, 37, over a period of 12 years. Reasonably consistent and although there is room for more children, there are no glaring gaps. Additional potential children have been identified, baptised at Holy Cross, Westgate, Canterbury, Kent, England. Ann, Bp 13 December 1778, Elizabeth, 9 April 1780. Then there was a five year gap before the next identified child. However, there is a problem with the Elizabeth record. One transcription of the record has her father as Edward Nash, hence the inclusion, but two transcriptions have Thomas Nash as the father. Raising a question that will not be resolved without sight of the original document. However, I have added both to my Ancestry tree to see if it generates any further information.
There is a parish burial record for a Daniel Nash on 14 May 1788 and Edward Nash a few days later on 17 May 1788, both annotated 'by the parish'. This would suggest an extremely poor family. There is no indication of the age nor the family of the buried people. It is feasible that our Daniel Nash could have died before his first birthday, and that there was another Edward Nash, born and died, before our surviving one in 1789. It was not an unusual practise to reuse the same name. More investigation is required to resolve this.
It the Kent Parish Records there is a marriage at Holy Cross on 14 Oct 1776 between Nash, Edward & Eliz'h Hill, both of St Dunstan's (Parish). There are only two weddings recorded on that page, in that decade. The surname Hill is not a surprise as it becomes incorporated into names in later generations.
The current legal name for the parish of that area is Saint Dunstan with Holy Cross. St Dunstan's church dates from the 11th century and is a grade I listed building. It was restored in 1878-80 by church architect Ewan Christian. Its association with the deaths of Thomas Becket and Thomas More make it a place of pilgrimage. It being restored would be a possible reason why they wed at Holy Cross, but that is out by 100 years.
Holy Cross is also an ancient church, but was made redundant in 1973, well outside our area of interest.
Back to the Preventive Boat Service Boatman aged 28 and born in Canterbury. If the tree is correct he married on 12 Apr 1818 Christchurch, Hampshire, England, and had three children in Rottingdean, Sussex, England between 1817 and 1821, before apparently moving to Southampton. What is the explanation for the movement, time of less mobility than we have today but, also a time of migration from rural to urban living, 1815 to 1850? This however was not that pattern, so was it to do with the PBS work that led to different placements. Also, he married after the birth of the first child in Rottingdean, in Christchurch, perhaps returning briefly to her birth parish.

Public Domain
HMS Enchantress was transferred by the Navy to the Revenue Service in August 1818.
It is not clear how long Enchantress served with the Customs service. During the period of the Coastal Blockade (1817–31), there was an Enchantress at Rye that served as the headquarters of the organization for Kent and Sussex.
Rye is about 50 miles away from Rottingdean, an unlikely commute.
There appears to be uncertainty about HMS Rattlesnake but it could have been captured on 11 July 1814 from the US. The period of the PBS Return is between 15th day of November 1816 and 19th day of March 1819, which is where the reference to the vessel Rattlesnake occurs. The British Slavery Abolition Act was dated 1833. It was enforced around the world by the Royal Navy, but this is outside the dates under consideration.
The American Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, was initiated by the thirteen original colonies in Congress against the Kingdom of Great Britain over their objection to Parliament's direct taxation and its lack of colonial representation.
It started on 19 Apr 1775 and ended on 3 Sep 1783. Britain was also at war with the other great powers of the time, in what could be considered the initial world war due to its extend. Having been officially concluded in 1783, it is strange that the US ship was attacking so much British shipping, eventually being captured by the 50-gun British frigate Leander captured her off Cape Sable, Nova Scotia. Perhaps she was brought back to Britain and entered service with the Revenue. However, this adds nothing to the location of Edward Nash.
I have not yet found any information on the vessel Jacobus.
Although the vessels mentioned did not reveal anything of significant regarding Edward Nash, it is in no way detrimental to the fact of him working in the PBS. Nor does it provide any insight into his movements.
Census Records
Tracing family movements is best done using the Census records, but they are not available before 1841.
Robert Hill Nash
The only instance found so far for Robert Hill Nash is in the 1881 Census living a 2 Chapel Street, Shirley, Millbrook, Hampshire. He is a widow aged 64, living on his own and working as a night watchman. His place of birth is recorded as Roclendean, Sussex, which could have been a miss heard Rottingdean. As an aside, living next door at 1 Chapel Street, was Harriet Hurst, the wife of a seaman, and her family.
Thomas Nash
Thomas Nash, aged 32, married, living at 3 Chapel Street, St Mary's, Southampton, Hampshire with his wife, Mary Ann Nash. His occupation is Mariner. They were born in Brighton, Sussex and Portland, Dorset. They have no children recorded on this Census of 1851 There are two other families living at the same address, Cable and Lewis. Note that Chapel Street, St Mary's is a different place that Robert's Chapel Street, Shirley, not just a different way of addressing the same place.
Thomas Nash, aged 44 was living at Wakeham, Easton, Portland, Dorset, England, with his wife Mary A Nash age 34, in the 1861 Census. His place of birth is recorded as being Brighton, Sussex, England. This is not inconsistent with Rottingdean, a very small village near the town of Brighton. Children living there on Census day, Charles H Nash, Age 8; William C Nash, Age 5; Alice A Nash, Age 4 months. His job Merchant Seaman. Mary A was born in Portland, Dorset, and Charles H and William C, in Southampton, Hampshire. Whilst Alice A was born in Portland. Probably Wakenham.
There is a prison record for a Thomas Henry Nash aged 45, who was sentenced to one calendar month in Dorchester Goal for Assault, his first offence. From the record he was Committed 26 August 1864, Received 27 August 1864 and Discharged 24 Sept 1864. Unfortunately, the entries for both Occupation and Birthplace were left blank. Hence it is inconclusive if it is the same person.
For the 1871 Census Thomas Nash was aged 52, which matches a birth year of 1819, despite only ageing 8 years in a ten year interval. Mary A Nash, aged 44 is living with him at Wellington Road, Freemantle, Millbrook, Hampshire, England. His place of birth is now recorded as Rettendean, Kent, England, but there is no such place. A possible misspelling is Frittenden, Kent, but more probable is Rottingdean, Sussex. He and his family have returned from Portland, but he is now a Labourer, not the previous Merchant Seaman. Mary A birth place is consistent as Portland, Dorset. Regarding the children, Charles H, who would be 18 is not mentioned. William C was probably William E and is now going as Edward, aged 15, also a Labourer. Alice is now 10. There are two new entries for children born in the ten years between the Census, Mellie, a daughter aged 4, giving a DoB of 1867 born at Portland, Dorset, England and Flora also a Daughter, aged 2, giving a DoB of 1869 born at Southampton,Hampshire, England
Sadly, Thomas H Nash's wife Mary Ann died on 25 November 1878, at their home at Freemantle, Millbrook, Southampton, Hampshire, England, in the registration district South Stoneham, Hampshire. Thomas was recorded as present at the death and was the informant. The name of the road is stated on the Death Certificate, the source of the information, but as yet can't be deciphered to match maps of the time.
Elizabeth Collins
Elizabeth Collins, aged 30, was the wife of Thomas Collins, aged 33 according to the 1851 Census. They were living at Longcroft Street, in St Mary Parish, Southampton.Hampshire. Thomas is recorded as a Lime Burner. He was born in Southampton and she is recorded as being born in Christchurch, Hampshire. There are four children all born in Southampton, Hampshire. Elizabeth, 8, Henry, 7, both scholars, James, 2, William, 4 months. His father, a widower, John Collins is also in the home, aged 75, estimated 1776, born in West Grinstead, Wiltshire. John was formerly a Chaff Cutter, but now an agricultural labourer. They also have two lodgers, both with the surname of Simpson.
Still living at Longcroft Street, number 16, in the 1861 Census. Elizabeth and Thomas, aged 43 and 40, working as Cement Burners Labourer and Tailoress. Thomas is still recorded as being born is Southampton but Elizabeth is now recorded as being born is Sussex, Rotting Dean. Previously it was Christchurch, Hampshire. Children match 1851, Elizabeth, 18, a Dressmaker; Henry, 17, a Smith's Apprentice; James, 12, a Shoemaker's Apprentice; William, 10, a scholar; and new to the family in this Census, Edward, aged 4, also a scholar. All the children are recorded as having been born in Southampton. Thomas's father is not listed, and nor are the lodgers Simpson. There is a visitor called Sophia Fullen, a nurse aged 39, from Hinton, Hampshire.
However, before Edward was born in 1857, Thomas Nash Collins was born in Jan / Feb 1856 in Southampton, Hampshire, England, his father, Thomas, was 38 and his mother, Elizabeth, was 35. He had four brothers and two sisters. He died in March 1856 in his hometown within a year of his birth, and was buried there on 6th March 1856. From his baptism record, Thomas Nash Collins, was Baptised on 24 Feb 1856 at St. Mary's, Southampton, Hampshire, England.
From the 1871 Census, Mr & Mrs Joseph and Jane Slongnell have move into number 16, and the Collins family are in 15 Longcroft Street. Thomas Collins age has jumped to 56, three extra. Elizabeth is 50. Thomas has progressed and is now a Cement Burner and Elizabeth is still a Tailoress. He is still born in Southampton whilst she is born in Rolling Dan, Sussex, which I think it is reasonable to assume is the enumerator's / transcriber's take on Rottingdean. William has finished his apprenticeship, and is now a shoemaker. He is aged 20 and unmarried. Edward is now 14, and the new addition to the children is Ellin, a daughter aged 9. There are only three children list with them at this Census, all born in Southampton.
Also living at number 15 are Mr and Mrs Henry R Robert, 51, a decorator, and his wife Harriet Robert 35, both from Titchfield Hampshire England. Form various Census reports, it does not seem uncommon to have an unrelated family living at the same address. Sometimes it is multiple families.
A more substantial move for the 1881 Census. 10 10 Craven St and 11 Craven St, annotated in the margin by the enumerator, as 'one home'. Thomas Collins, aged 63, now a Lime and Cement Burner. Consistently, born in Southampton. Elizabeth Collins, aged 60, is still a Tailoress. However the place of birth is this time recorded as Rotter Dean County of Kent. Only the two youngest children listed in this Census, Edward, 24, unmarried and a Cabinet Maker, and Ellen, 19, unmarried, and a (General) Shopkeeper. Both born in Southampton.
At the enlarged 10 Craven St and 11 Craven St they have two lodgers, Joseph Dabinett 42, Baker from Beeminster, Dorset and
Samuel White 23, Seaman from Beaulieu, Hampshire, England
There are some remnants of Craven Street left in redeveloped Southampton, whist Longcroft Street is under the new St Mary's Stadium. The distance between the two places is about 1/4 miles, not far, but the previous moves have all been within the same street.
Back to familiar territory in the 1891 Census, at 5 Longcroft Street, Thomas Collins and Elizabeth Collins, aged 73 and 71, ???? and Tailoress. There are no children to help establish that it is the same family apart from the names and ages. However, Elizabeth's place born is Rother Dean, Sussex, again assumed to be Rottingdean, near Brighton, Sussex.
Charles Attwood is their Boarder, 39 from Micheldever Hampshire.
Census Conclusion
I am reasonably convinced by the generally consistent information regarding Elizabeth Collins, and her husband Thomas Collins, represents the same family over the years of the Census, from 1851 to 1891. Their marriage was on 7 May 1843 at Southampton, Hampshire, England. Therefore I would not expect to find a 1841 Census together.
Still convinced, but less so, regarding Thomas Nash and his wife, Mary Ann Nash, over the years of the Census 1851 to 1871. Their marriage was on 02 Jan 1848 at Southampton, Hampshire, England. Therefore I would not expect to find a 1841 Census together.
However, Robert Hill Nash is in the 1881 Census, the one possibly missing from Thomas Nash. Robert is recorded as a widower. At this part of the exploration, there are no other records for Robert Hill Nash. Is it possible that Robert Hill Nash is in fact Thomas Nash?
However, the census information alone does not establish Thomas Nash and Elizabeth Collins as brother and sister, with the same father, Edward Nash.
Births, Marriages, and Deaths
Name: | Thomas Hill Nash |
Gender: | Male |
Baptism Date: | 18 Apr 1819 |
Baptism Place: | Rottingdean,Sussex,England |
Father: | Edward Nash |
Mother: | Loetitia |
Name: | Thomas Hills Nash |
Gender: | Male |
Marital status: | Single |
Marriage Date: | 2 Jan 1848 |
Marriage Place: | Southampton, Hampshire, England |
Father: | Edward Nash |
Spouse: | Mary Ann Read |
Name: | Mary Ann Read |
Gender: | Female |
Marital status: | Single |
Marriage Date: | 2 Jan 1848 |
Marriage Place: | Southampton, Hampshire, England |
Father: | Robert Read |
Spouse: | Thomas Hills Nash |
Name: | Elizabeth Peninah Hills Nash |
Gender: | Female |
Marital status: | Single |
Age: | 22 |
Birth Date: | 1821 |
Marriage Date: | 7 May 1843 |
Marriage Place: | Southampton, Hampshire, England |
Father: | Edward Nash |
Spouse: | Thomas Collins |
Name: | Thomas Collins |
Gender: | Male |
Marital status: | Single |
Age: | 25 |
Birth Date: | 1818 |
Marriage Date: | 7 May 1843 |
Marriage Place: | Southampton, Hampshire, England |
Father: | John Collins |
Spouse: | Elizabeth Peninah Hills Nash |
Baptised as Thomas Hill Nash on 18 Apr 1819 at St Margaret's Church, Rottingdean, Sussex, Father, Edward Nash; Mother, Loetitia.
The Baptism of is proving more difficult to find definitive records for Elizabeth Peninah Hills Nash.
The link of Thomas Hill Nash to Edward Nash is a note that his marriage certificate refers to his father's occupation, 'Son Thomas's marriage 1848 a prevention officer'. I have not got an image of the certificate to confirm this at this time.
However, Although Elizabeth's marriage Certificate has her father as Edward Nash, it is not conclusive that it is the same Edward Nash.
I have therefore started a Nash One Name Study to try to add to the confidence. The one name study can be found on a link, in the One Name Study section of my TNG database. I have used The Genealogist to search for records pertaining to Edward Nash in Sussex, Hampshire, and Kent, for parish baptism records before 1837. Nothing exciting came from it. The family of Edward & Elizabeth Nash, who were baptised in St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury, Kent are confirmed, including Edward, son of Edward, Baptised on 18th April 1789.
I have also purchased a copy of 'The Dictionary of British Watercolour Artists Up to 1920', as mentioned above it does contain an entry about Edward Nash the painter. Unfortunately it is quite brief.
NASH, Edward, 1778 - 1821 (London)
A miniaturist and watercolour portrait painter who was a pupil of S. Shelley (q.v.). He exhibited at the R.A. from 1811 to 1820 and worked in worked in India during the latter years of his life.
Examples: B.M.
For the avoidance of doubt, from the 'Abbreviations used in the text' list in the book, R.A. is Royal Academy, founded in 1768 and B.M. is British Museum.
Although, from above we also know there are examples in the National Portrait Gallery.
The Shelley referred to is Samuel Shelley O.W.S 1750 (London) - 1808 {or 1810} (London). He was a founder member of the 'Old' Society of Painters in Watercolours. Now the Royal Watercolour Society.
Perhaps the journey Edward Nash mentioned as the reason he wrote his will, was due to the time he was to spend in India.
However, the small amount of additional information from the book does not change the previous conclusion that this is not the Edward Nash we are looking for.