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Hurst families

Header of Parish Register of Nursling 1736-1797
Header of Parish Register of Nursling 1736-1797

Notes on the Parish Register of Nursling 1736-1797


 Baptisms, Marriages, Burials Register of Nursling Parish Church 1736 to 1797


 Transcriptions in sage green.



Fly leaf affixed at the front of the register book


(November 1860) to the Book of ??? , ??? by S.C. Wilks, Rector

This Register Book having been kept in a confused manner, so that to be certain of an entry, or non-entry, it is necessary to make search throughout the whole volume, I soon after I came to Nursling paged it, (in pencil only, so as not to interfere with its integrity) & made the following memoranda, which I have transcribe, & affix, for the convenience of those who shall ???  ??? & to whom he ???, mercy, & peace in the ???.

p 1 - 36  Baptisms Baptisms   April 11. 1736 to October 14. 1787  } Page 1 to 36
   37 - 48  Marriages Do Dec 22. 1787 to July 15. 1797  -  P 49 to 57
   49  -  57  Baptisms Marriages   Aug. 24. 1736 to June 18. 1780  - P 37 to 48
   58           Burials Burials June 23. 1796 to Dec. 31. 1797 -  P. 58
   59  -  60  Do but not ??? in date Do (goes back )  Jun 5. 1795 to May 29. 1796  -  P. 59 . 60
   61  -  84  Do but not ??? in date Do (goes back) Dec. 5. 1736 to Dec. 7. 1794  -  P. 61 - 84
Scarcement almes on fly-leaves at the end   
    Book  1738  -  1749  




 The marriages from April 14. 1752 (P.42) to June 18. 1780 (P.48) have been entered short, only names of the parties & dates, without clergymen or witnesses (as is the case in other parts of the book) - but beware using these entries for Certificates, the Act of George II c.26 having ordered a new book with fuller entries;- to which ???. This ??? ??? is I believe not always correct in spelling - but I have not ??? ??? of collation.

Opposite to this sheet on which I am writing is a note by ? Woodford Curate, 25 Dec. 1778 stating that "the Baptism of R. King was omitted, the service having been performed privately & the clerk not present so that it was not in the minutes which the Rector copied & entered in the register, but it was afterwards inserted by the Curate. " I found this a useful clue to what my ??? may find a difficulty, I have had many applications for certificates of entries, in former years, which are not to be found, though the families were well known parishioners & church people. Thus, W. Lowman, wishing for a Baptism Certificate, says he was born in 1789, had a sister Sarah about 7 years younger & ??? another sister; his son Ray were all baptised, and received into the church ("christened") & that it was in his ??? & his father's the custom for the children to be baptised at home. Another witness (over)

*   I never took a note at the time of Shana Lacuna 2y. Only on chifly in Mr. Aranman's time; & only on chiefly in Baptisms. The ??? is ??? for preventing any ??? ??? the book several times as I have sometimes lest I ??? have misfiled anything Especially as there is now an Index . Morris died in 1776 aged 58 , Rector 30 years. Cranmer  in 1809 aged 70:33 years. Lukin in 1846: aged64. 37 years.

Another note;-

S. C. W. succeeded Mr. Lukin Jan 1847. Born in 1788 [ Now living 1869 in my 81st year S. C, Wilks ]


Continued from (over) above.

Another witness ... tells me that Mr Lukin said he had great difficulty in correcting this ???. Further, I have been informed that the "receiving into the church" was often preformed at home. I find W. Low??? ??? Sarah; but neither he, nor his brother, or ??? sister, ??? found. He told me the name of one of his Godfathers, & I have no doubt of his baptism. Mr. Casnener was non-resident, on account (the Licence states) of Nursling Rectory being situate in a tract of many miles of unwholesome murshy ground; the Clerk therefore in keeping minutes for registering, & accounting for fees, may have made ???. In the very year 1789 when Mr Lowman was left out, there is the entry of "Recieved into the church William, Banjamin, & Elizabeth the sons & daughter of John & Elizabeth Bowles, at several times privatly baptised. " One might have been forgotten; but three could not but cause inquiry. R. King was forgotten; but King being a large farmer wanted his ??? ??? for some purpose ??? ??? ??? interpolates the baptism on the ??? ??? of his fly-leaf memorandum which could not be correct.

I thought this explanation ( & I might add other odd thinks in the ??? books) might minister to the convenience of future ???.  S.C. Wilks.


Apparently, not all is well in terms of this registry.


Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 05 Note

 Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 06 Note



A Registry of Baptisms, Marriages, & Burials for the Parish of Nutshalling, alias, Nursling.

Robert Bourne  A: M:  Rector.


N.B. The Baptism of Richard King was omitted, the Service having been performed privately and the Clerk not present, so that it was not in the Minutes which the Rector copied and entered in the Register, but it was afterwards inserted by the Curate.

25 Dec. 1778 

Matt Woodford   Curate.

Wittness  Richd Whitcher


NB Thomas Richards having declared; that his Daughter's real name, who was registered Jany: 12. 1763, is Mary and not Elizabeth as set Down by mistake of the then Rector, it was on Sunday Octr. 29. 1780 altered and rectified, agreeably to this Declaration and the Testimony Blanch Pitman, who had knowledge of the Fact.

Robert Gunther  Rector


Matt Woodford   Curate



Extract of Will of Reverend Mr Bourne

Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 07 Will

Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 08 Will 



 Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 09 Will

 Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 10 Will


By a Clause in the Will of the late Reverend Mr Bourne, Rector of Nursling, alias Nutshaling, the following Goods are bequeathed to the Parsonage.

I give & bequeath for the use of my Successors in the Rectory of Nursling, & as Standards to be preserved & contained in the Parsonage House.

Two Hanging Dressers, one in my Study, the other in a narrow Passage over the Hall.

A Dresser of Drawers in the Kitchen, & a narrow Case for Sugars, Spices, etc. in the Kitchen.

A Leaden Pump putt up quite new by me in the Brew house: a Bottle Rack, & Chicken Pen:- A Cheese Rack, & Bin for Oats in the Store room.

Two Corn Bins in the Stable:- Two Wheel Barrows, -- Two Garden Rorolers [Rollers?], one made of Stone, the other Wood.

And my Will is that this Clause be transcribed into the Parish Registry in order to prevent the sale or removal of any of the particulars.

Robt. Bourne.

The above written Clause was inserted in the Parish Registry of Nursling by me

Thomas Jefferies    Curate.



June 7. 1745

John Morgan

Richd Whitcher


N.B.  The Press, & Shelves over the Corn Bins in the Stable are not included in this Gift.


Extract of Will of Robert Bourne 1744

Above is not from the Parish Register but is an extract from the Probate copy of Robert Bourne's Will. 


Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 11 Will


 -------- Of the Articles referred to on the other side only the Stone Rollers were delivered over to the Rev S.C, Wilks on his coming to the Rectory (1847) the others having been previously worn out.

Wm Lichfield

Church Warden & Sequestrator

 Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 12 Will

( The Rectory house was rebuilt by Mr Cranmer, long after Mr Bourne's death)

 Nursling Register Book 1736 to 1797 Flyleaf 13 Memo

 [There are some memoranda on the first paper leaf of this book ]

S. C. Wilks

 It is evident that Mr. S. C. Wilks was very particular in his ways, and in the keeping of records.

We also have the beginnings of a list of Rectors of the Parish of Nursling.

Morris died in 1776 aged 58 , Rector 30 years. Cranmer in 1809 aged 70:33 years. Lukin in 1846: aged 64. 37 years.

Another note;-

S. C. W. succeeded Mr. Lukin Jan 1847. Born in 1788 [ Now living 1869 in my 81st year S. C, Wilks ]

Table of Rector's of the Parish of Nursling, Hampshire
NameDiedAgeCalculated birthPeriod as Rector
Robert Bourne  5 February 1744  53  1691 1736 to  1744, 8 years
Edmund Morris {& Matha } 1776 58 1718 30 years
Robert Cranmer 1809 70 1739 33 years
Lukin 1846 64 1782 37 years
S.C. Wilks     1788 1847 to 


Memorial stone Robert Bourne 1744 DxO

 The Memorial Stone at Winchester Cathedral of Robert Bourne A. M., the first Rector mentioned in the Nursling Parish Register 1736 to 1797.

The stone inscription is in Latin.

Using Google Translate, it is something like;-

LatinEnglish translation (Google)

H.  S.  E. 

Robertus Bourne A. M.

Ecclesia de Nursling Rectory munificus desideratus hijusce praebendarius cujus honori & Commodis

Per \II annos gnwtter Inservi

Obit Feb 5 AD 1744 At 53


H.  S.  E. 

Robert Bourne A. M.

The Church of Nursling Rectory the munificent desired until now the benefactor of whose honor and favors
For 22 years ??? Servant

Died Feb 5 AD 1744 Aged 53

Hie etiam deposit sunt reliqule Catharine Bourne dilectissimae conjugis que obit undecimo die June 1769 AE 62 Here are also deposited the remains of Catharine Bourne, his beloved spouse who died on the eleventh day of June 1769 Aged 62


 The Church at Nursling dates from well before the start of this Registry in 1736.

Nursling Parish Church

More information from the Parish Register, this time about the Rector following the Rev. Robert Bourne, the Rev. Edmund Morris

Burials Nursling Revd Edmund Morris 20 Jan 1776

Jany. 20th.  The Revd. Edmund Morris, Rector of the Parish, aged 58 Years

Jan 20, 1776  The Rev. Edmund Morris, Rector of the Parish, aged 58 Years


Burials Nursling Martha Morris 25 Dec 1778

Decr 25  Martha Widow of Revd Mr Edward Morris late Rector of this Parish

Dec 25, 1778  Martha Widow of Revd Mr Edward Morris late Rector of this Parish.

His widow did not last many years after his death.




John and Mary Mabey of Nursling


John and Mary Mabey of Nursling

Another family another article.

Birth BEF. 17 JAN 1770 • Nursling, Hampshire, England

Death 24 APR 1856 • Nursling, Hampshire, England

Starting relationship;

3rd great-grandfather of spouse of 2nd cousin of wife of 2nd cousin 1x removed


Starting Ancestry Synopsis;

When John Mabey was born on 17 January 1770 in Nursling, Hampshire, his father, William, was 36 and his mother, Ann, was 29. He married Mary Penny on 3 March 1794 in Eling, Hampshire. The

y had three children during their marriage. He died on 24 April 1856 in his hometown, having lived a long life of 86 years.

This will attempt to add some clarity regarding his family. Watch the story develop in 'Discovery'

Hurst families of Abbotts Ann


Hurst families of Abbotts Ann, near Andover, Hampshire, England.

The county that is now known as Hampshire was for a period of time known as the County of Southampton or Southamptonshire, which is distinct for the Town, latterly City (1964) of Southampton.

Register of Abbots Ann inscription

is the Register booke of Abbots Ann xxxx xxxx those married Baptized and funerals xxxx common xxx in the xxx of our Lord God Anno 1561.

xxxx fo the late Statutes for that xxx made and provided in the XXXIX year of the Reign of our most gracious and Sovereign lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland, Queene, defender of the faith, ec, and in the  xxxx of Richard Murkleston,  Minster those.

The English monarchy maintained their claim to the French throne until 1802, following the French Revolution 1789-1799 which resulted in France becoming a Republic.

 The Act being referred to is for Elizabeth I regnal year, XXXIX, or thirty nine, is 1596/7 AD.

Calculation of regnal years.

Read a little of the history of Act for the Keeping of Parish Registers.


Further maps of Abbotesan, aka Abbots Ann aka Abbotts Ann.

Saxton 1575 Abbotesan and AndoverSaxton's map of Hampshire 1575, Abbotesan and Andover

Taylor Hampshire 1759 Abbots AnnTaylor Hampshire 1759 Abbots Ann and Andover area


The process

The Abbotts Ann families are going to be a significant challenge to separate into distinct families from the early baptism records.

The process is going to be slow and long. The dataset is already established in My TNG database. Then the first part for Abbotts Ann is to create a SQL report within My TNG, which focuses on any of the place fields containing Abbots Ann. I don't want to restrict it to just Abbotts Ann Parish as that would exclude any potential more specific addresses, perhaps gained from Census or Tithe Apportionment data. That report is then embedded into a Joomla Article Hurst families in North West Hampshire as a live dynamic report.

So to the data. On the Hampshire Genealogical Society Baptism Index, set the filter to surname Hurst and Parish, Abbotts Ann. Then choose a father's forename to further filter by. 

Now the magic happens. Say the filter is set for William. There are twenty baptisms where the father's name is William or W between 1563 and 1616, a period of 53 years. Unlikely to be all the same father, but not impossible, with multiple wife's, sequentially. Without twins, possibly one child per year, perhaps every other year. Repeating children names, may be and indicator of a different group, but not necessarily as, with a high infant mortality, names are often reused following infant deaths. So it comes down to inspecting the dates, looking for gaps, that may suggest different generations, and estimating the family groups at this initial stage. Accepting that they may have to change if further, contradictory, information comes to light later. Some would put all the baptisms against one or multiple William's, and others, from a pure data perspective, there is no evidence that there are not twenty separate father's called William, which would give one baptism one father, one family relationship, Possible but improbable.

The baptism records are added to My TNG database. Check that the same information flows through to the Joomla article report, and check that it has been input correctly my me.

Add the same information into my 'work in progress' Ancestry tree as an unattached or orphaned branch, using the same assumed family groups. 

Check for other users researching the same people and check for any DNA matches to those researchers.

Find the base data for the baptisms in the Ancestry information, and hopefully find images of the source data.

If so make copies of the source data and prepare the images for incorporation in this article as base data.

Using the found source data, create a new transcription direct from the source data, compare and check for transcription errors. Such as the year has changed in March but the original document has not recorded it, resulting in an incorrect year going into the record. Perhaps therefore, apparently making two children in the same year, born too close together, but not twins, and therefore a different family. Also, looking for additional information on the source data which did not make it into the transcribed data.

Update the Mt TNG database and Ancestry with any necessary amendments.

Update article with the new information to be read in conjunction with the TNG generated report.

Rest ....


 For the early years of the Parish records I don't expect to find any data other than Baptism, Marriage, and Burial, and little or nothing to join those records together. In later year there is potential for additional information, and further searches will be made in other Genealogical Sites, Tithe Apportionments, Directories, Voting registers, and Newspapers.


Register of Abbots Ann page 5





On a single page of the Abbotts Ann register, on page 5, refiring to Anno Domini 1596 baptisms.

There are 5 baptisms out of 21 on the page. That is nearly 25% of the baptisms are to the surname Hurst. This gives some indication of the presence of Hurst families in the community. Perhaps not 25% but not insignificant.


Childs NameSon / DaughterBaptism DateParish ChurchFather's nameAdjusted Year
Brygil Hurst Daughter 26 Oct 1565 Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, England  Roger Hurst  1565
Thomas Hurst Son 7 Feb 1565  Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, England  Thomas Hurst  1565
 Joane Hurst  Daughter 22 Jan 1565  Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, England  Henry Hurst  1565
 Dorothie Hurst  Daughter 27 Jul 1565  Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, England  William Hurst  1566
 Margery Hurst  Daughter 22 Nov 1565  Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, England  Roger Hurst  1566

From the above it could be that the father Roger Hurst could be the same person which would make it four families of Hurst just in one page of the register.


I think I will organise the baptism records by father's Christian Name, below.


The records


Register of Abbotts Ann
Register of Abbotts Ann, Hampshire

Harry Hurst Church Warden of Abbotts Ann


Harry Hurst Church Warden of Abbotts Ann, near Andover, Hampshire, England, 1562

First noticed in the Parish Register manuscript, at the time when Elizabeth I was on the throne of England,

Harry Hurst church warden of Abbotts Ann 1562

Richard Muckleton

Harry Hurst {  
  Church wardens
John Grunsell   

 First seen on a page for 1562.

Presumably a respected member of the community, and possibly an elder. This may be the only reference to this person until his burial.  

However, going back to the title page, there appears to be a memorandum from September 1599.

The top of the page reads, This is the ???? Register booke of Abbotts Ann in County of Southampton.

Register of Abbots Ann title whole page

Register of Abbots Ann title page text

 Register of Abbots Ann title page signitures

 I have zoomed in on the text and highlighted Harry Hurst name, as church warden and build ... a pulpit. I think he approved the building of the pulpit but I can't make out who was the doner.

It does suggest that a Harry Hurst was a church warden both in 1562 and 1599, 37 years later.

Saxton's 1575 Map of Hampshire Title block
Saxton's 1575 Map of Hampshire Title block

Hurst families in North West Hampshire


Hurst families in North West Hampshire

Initially looking at the surnames of Hurst, including variation Hearst and Hirst, as part of my One Name Study of Hurst.

Using Hampshire Genealogical Society Indexes of Baptism, Mariages, and Burial records I will try to identify the extent of this task. How many Hurst surnames are there in Hampshire and what is the distribution both in the location and time.

The records are input into my TNG database and the information is displayed below in the form of reports, according to area / parish.


Joseph Hurst of Carter's Clay


Joseph Hurst of Carter's Clay, Lockerley, Hampshire.



BIRTH 27 FEB 1803 • Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England
DEATH Unknown

Starting Ancestry Synopsis;

When Joseph Hurst was born on 27 February 1803 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, his father, Henry, was 32 and his mother, Anne, was 17. He married Charlotte Lucas on 23 July 1833 in Lockerley, Hampshire. He had two brothers. No known children.

This article will attempt to add some clarity.



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