Deed between Peter Beconshaw to Martin Tichborne found at the front of the Whitchurch register of Marriages and Banns, 1754 - 1790
I found the first page of this interesting, especially the 'Reign of out Sovereign Lord James by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland Defender of the faith ve. viz. of England France and Ireland the seventh & of Scotland the two & fortienth.' Note King of France.
<< James VI and I (James Charles Stuart; 19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625) was King of Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567 and King of England and Ireland as James I from the union of the Scottish and English crowns on 24 March 1603 until his death in 1625. >>
<<The joining of the Countries, or joining of the Parliaments happened much later, in 1707 when England and Scotland united as “Great Britain” under Queen Anne. >>
<< James VII and II (14 October 1633 – 16 September 1701) was King of England and Ireland as James II and King of Scotland as James VII from the death of his elder brother, Charles II, on 6 February 1685. >>
Apparently, the assertion re King of France was only dropped in 1801.
I am somewhat confused as to the date of this document, as both James I and James II predeceased the date at the bottom of the document of 31st May 1784, unless that date refers only to the copy.
An article of the Hants Field Club about Earlstone Manor House, Burghclere, states that Peter Beconshaw, with a brother Benjamin Beconsawe [Beconshaw], died in 1641, which would have been in the reign of James II and VII.
The names of the parties change in spelling in parts of the document, as do some of the repeated words.
It was very much a case of I have started, so I will finish. It just kept going. On the reverse side of a page of Marriage Registry entries, on and on. The original can be seen on Ancestry, for those with an account.
On the left, a copy of the image, and on the right, my initial attempt at a transcription.
Copy of the Deed of 7o Jacobi from Peter Beconshaw to Martin Tichborne of the annuity at Earlstone. __ 6 July 7 Jac. 1. This Indenture made the sixte Day of July in the years of the Reign of out Sovereign Lord James by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland Defender of the faith ve. viz. of England France and Ireland the seventh & of Scotland the two & fortienth. Between Peter Beconshaw of Earlstone in the County of Southampton [Hampshire] Gent. on the one Partie & Martin Tychborne of Ufton in the County of Berks Gent on the other Partie Withesseth that whereas it was concluded & agreed the said Peter Beconsawe & Martyne Tychbore that the said Peter Beconshaw in Consideration of five hundred Pounds of lawful Money of England to be paid by the said Martyn Tychborne his Heirs & asigns one Annuity or yearly Rente Charge of thirty three pounds, six Shillings & eight Pence of good and lawful Money of England to be issuing out of the Manor and Lordship of Earlstone in the said County of Southampton [Hampshire] . And Whereas also it was further agreed betwixte the said Parties that the said Peter Beconsawe should cause & do to be levied one Fine by Him the said Peter Beconsawe Benjamin Beconsawe his Brother William Cornwaleis & Mary his Wife for the establishing & settling of a good & perfect Estates in Fee simple of the said Manor & Lordship with the appurtenances in the said Peter Beconsawe & his Heirs to the Intent & Purpose that He might be able to grant a good & perfect Rents Charge according to the said Agreement which was also done accordingly in the Term of Holy Trinity in the year abovesaid as by the said Fyne & by a Deed made betwixte the said Peter & Benjamin Beconsaw William Cornwalies & Mary his Wife on the one partie and Hieromie Tichborne & Thos. Harrys on the other partie for to xxxx & declare the Use of the said Fine it may more plainly at large appear __ NOW the said Peter Beconsawe for the full accomplishment of the said Conclusion & agreement & for & in Consideration of five hundred Pounds of good & lawfull Money of England well & truly before Hand satisfied contented and paid and {whereof and every} ... |
whereof and every Part and Parcell thereof the said Peter Beconsawe doth clearly acquite & discharge the said Martyn Ticjborne his Heirs Executeors Administrators & Assigns by these presents hath given & granted, & by these Presents for Him, his Heirs & Assigns doth give & grant unto the said Martyn Tichbourne his Heirs and Assigns One Annuity or yearly Rent of thirty three pounds six Shillings & eight Pence of good & lawful Money of England to be Issuing rising & growing had levied & taken of & out of the said Mannor & Lordship of Earlstone with the Appurtenance in the said County of Southampton [Hampshire] & out of all singular Lands Tenements & Hereditaments unto the said Manor belonging or appertaining or reputed as part parcel or member thereof situate lying & being within the Townes Parishes & Hambletts or Fields of Borroughclere - Sydmanton or any of them To the only Use & behoof of the said Martyn & his Heirs for ever payable & yearly to be paid at the two most usual Feasts in the Year, that is to say the Feast of Annunciation of our Blessed Lady St Mary the Virgin [25th March, Lady Day] & St. Michael the Archangel [29th September, Michaelmas] by even & equal Portions or within fifteen Days after xxx of the said Feasts the first payment to begin at the said Feast of Annunciation of our Blessed Lady St Mary the Virgin next ensuing or within fifteen days after and if it shall happen the said Annuity or any part or parcell thereof to be behind & unpaid by the Space of fifteen days after any of the said Feasts that then & so often at all times after the said fifteen days expired _ it shall be lawful for the said Martyn Tichborne His Heirs & Assigns upon lawful Demand to be had & made of the said Annuity & yearly Rent & thereupon no full payment & Satisfaction had or made by the said Peter Beconsawe his Heirs ao Assignes to enter into the said Manor & Lordship of Earlstone & into all & singular the said Land Tenements & Hereditaments unto the said Manor of Lordship belonging or appertaining or reputed as part or Parcell or Member thereof & there {to distrain &}... |
to distreyne & the Distresse or Distressess there to be had or taken to lead drive carry away imparte impound & detain untill the Arrears of the said annuity be fully satisfied contented and paid_ & if at any time or times it shall happen the said annuity or yearly Rent or any Part or Parcell thereof to be behine & unpaid by the space of forty Days after any of the said Feasts that then if upon lawful Demand of the said annuity or yearly Rent to be made by the said Martyn Tichborne his Heirs or assigns Default of payment shall covenante & grant for him his Heirs & assigns to forfeit forty Shillings of good and lawful Money of England in the name of a Payne and the like forfeiture of forty shillings to be remain & anure for every forty days as shall happen to pass during any such Default of Payment & that it shall be lawful for the said Martyn Tichborne his Heirs or Assigns to enter into the said Manor & Lordship of Earlston and all & singular the Premises & ther to distrain for the said Penalty or Penalties that shall hap so to be forfeited in like manner & form & with the like Priviledge and advantage as is before limitted & expressed touching & concerning the said Principal Rent AND the said Peter Becoonsawe doth farthee covenante for Him his Heirs Executors & administrators & Assigns to & with the said Martyne Tichborne his Heirs & assigns that the said Peter Beconsawe hath not done any act or Acts Thing or Things whereby the said Annuity may be defrauded or defeated & that the said Peter Beconsawe his Heirs & Assigns shall & will at any time during five years do & suffer to be done any further act or Acts for the maintaining & strengthening of the said Annuity as shall be reasonably advised or Devifed by the learned Council of the said Martyn Tichborne his Heirs or Assigns at the Costs in the xxx of the said Martyn his Heirs or assigns under the Covenants Considerations in there present contained and expressed__ Provided always that the person of the said {Peter}... |
Peter Beconsawe shall not be charged with the said Annuity or Rent. In Witness whereof the Parties above named to xxx present Indentures Interchangably have set their Hands & Seals the day & year first above Written. ___
[Signature of Peter Beconsawe]
Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Examined with the original Deed
remaining in the Office of the Governors
of the Bounty of Queen Ann & this 31st
of May 1784 by me Thos Trufhit Clark to the Secretary
[Signatures of Hier Tychborn, Thos Knight & Geo Matehell ]