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Home heating and insulation


How to improve the home heating, domestic hot water, draft proofing and insulation in a stainable way to reduce our impact on the environment.


Control the heating

Control the heating to reduce bills and carbon


When we moved into this house, the central heating and domestic hot water were controlled by a traditional programmer. A great improvement to either leaving the whole system on all the time, just controlled by thermostats, or a manual switch, akin to lighting a fire in the hearth when you get home. There is an uncomfortable period of being cold before the room or house warms up. 

The programmer had settings for Weekdays, and Weekends. An acl Lifestyle (Drayton) Model LP522.  We swapped that out for a similar one, but with the additional function of being able to set each day separately. It was a very easy task as the industry had adopted a standard docking for such things many years before. It was just a case of switching off the power supply, unscrew the retaining screws, clip out from the dock and then clip in the new one, and reverse the procedure. Then set the times you want the heating to come one and the time for the hot water, for each day, and sit back and enjoy being comfortable.

Green my home



Green my home ... Some more!


The PV solar panels on the roof together with the Tesla battery are working well. The Central Heating Controls are also performing well, and doing their bit to reduce energy consumption.

Picking up on recycling's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, or 3Rs. Which has developed into Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle and then 5rs (Reuse, Reduce , Reuse , Recycle , Repair and Recover)

Reduce, Renewals, Recover.

The next stage is to look at home heating, and the first part of that is how to reduce the amount of heat we need. Insulation and draft proofing.

The second part is to replace the ancient central heating boiler.

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