

Ivan Hurst and family personal website

Welcome to Ivan Hurst's Web site. Browse around to find Natural History, cars and trucks, restoration, environment and travel to Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.

If you have visited before, this could be something of a surprise, and perhaps you were expecting this as the next page. A lot of that page's functionality has been lost as the sites are transferred and transformed. You can still see the Main Content here, but hurry back, to this new and improved world.

The site covers my family’s hobbies, interests, holidays and events attended. It is mainly an image based site with some narrative. In addition there are plenty of linked photo galleries.

Yes, this is very similar to the Central Navigation page, but without the legacy information and links. However, this site has content unlike the Central Navigation which has only one purpose, to allow you to get somewhere else.

If you have comments or questions please drop me a line using the contacts form.