BIM - The importance of procurement (Step by Step)
[Posted in LinkedIn on December 30, 2015]
This is my twelfth post and I thought we could do with a roundup of my writings for the Journal of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, 'Civil Engineering Surveyor'. and LinkedIn Group
The latest is BIM - The importance of procurement
My involvement in BIM started about 5 years ago, which is not long compared to some readers. I have learnt a lot about BIM in that time and about the digital revolution that is enveloping us. I like to share my knowledge and thoughts.
This is the list of my articles for the journal in the order they were published.
- Is BIM bigger than Latham? - Part 1 [Nov 2012]
- Is BIM bigger than Latham? - Part 2 [Dec/Jan 2013]
- Is BIM bigger than Latham? - Part 3 [Feb 2013]
- BIM - Where does rail fit in? [Feb 2013]
- BIM: The first teetering steps [Mar 2014]
- BIM and big [May 2014]
- BIM: Engage with the supply chain [Jul/Aug 2014]
- BIM: Driving internal change [Sept 2014]
- BIM gets bigger [Oct 2014]
- and the latest in the step by step BIM is BIM - The importance of procurement
Together with the posts in LinkedIn they form a short book, a guide to the fundamentals of holistic BIM. A good starting point, for free, without any adverts, pop-ups, logins, or tracking cookies.
The next article may be about codification.
I hope you find the articles to be informative and helpful.